Established in 1989 under the name MACROSEARCH, Inc, we updated our name to MACRO.CCS in 2011 to better reflect who we have become: an IT services company with heavy concentration in fixed deliverable computer consulting. Under our new corporate name, we retain the names of our original services; MACROSEARCH for direct hire placement services, and MACROSTAFF for technical staffing.
We serve the West Coast through our offices in Seattle and Los Angeles. We are proud of the successful, long term relationships we enjoy with a wide variety of companies and technical specialists.
Our corporate culture is formed by the goals and values we have set for ourselves. We have established and maintained an industry reputation as one of the most honest and ethical companies in the marketplace.

Technical recruiting services. We source the person you needed to hire yesterday, vet them, and help you negotiate compensation so you can get on with the work you do best.

Full range technical staffing, providing fully vetted, experienced personnel to work under your direction. We offer an exact technical match as well as a match to your business culture.
We offer deliverable-based computer consulting services, including project management, software implementation, integration, and development, as well as computer infrastructure auditing, improvement, and support services. If it touches technology, we can help! We offer a free three hour consultation to new clients.